


A simple interface for listening for Metric updates. Should be plugged into something like Prometheus for recording. Metric names are defined in metric_names.ts - see documentation on the name for what the context object contains. All metrics have a context object, with applicable interface. See the IMetricContext interface for more information.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 5



# onEndMetric

Called when the given metric should stop being tracked. Will have started with a matching onStartMetric() call.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 24


# onStartMetric

Called when the given metric should start being tracked. Will be paired with a matching onEndMetric() call.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 16


# onDecrement(metricName, context, amount)

Called when a linear metric (increasing/decreasing number) should be decremented.
Name Type Description
metricName string The metric being called.
context IMetricContext Context for the metric. Never null.
amount number The amount to subtract. Never negative or zero.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 44

# onIncrement(metricName, context, amount)

Called when a linear metric (increasing/decreasing number) should be incremented.
Name Type Description
metricName string The metric being called.
context IMetricContext Context for the metric. Never null.
amount number The amount to add. Never negative or zero.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 34

# onReset(metricName, context)

Called when a linear metric (increasing/decreasing number) should be reset to zero.
Name Type Description
metricName string The metric being called.
context IMetricContext Context for the metric. Never null.

View Source metrics/IMetricListener.ts, line 54