


A way to access an Identity Server using the Identity Service API from a MatrixClient.

# new IdentityClient()

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# brand

If truthy, this is a string that will be supplied as `?brand=$brand` where endpoints can result in communications to a user.

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# brand

If truthy, this is a string that will be supplied as `?brand=$brand` where endpoints can result in communications to a user.

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# metrics

The metrics instance for this client. Note that metrics for the underlying MatrixClient will not be available here.

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# metrics

The metrics instance for this client. Note that metrics for the underlying MatrixClient will not be available here.

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# async acceptAllTerms() → {Promise.<void>}

Accepts all the terms of service offered by the identity server. Note that this is only meant to be used by automated bots where terms acceptance is implicit - the terms of service need to be presented to the user in most cases.

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Resolves when complete.

# acceptTerms(termsUrls) → {Promise.<void>}

Accepts a given set of URLs from Policy objects returned by the server. This implies acceptance of the terms. Note that this will not update the user's account data to consider these terms accepted in the future - that is an exercise left to the caller.
Name Type Description
termsUrls Array.<string> The URLs to count as accepted.

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Resolves when complete.

# doRequest(method, endpoint, qs, body, timeout, raw, contentType, noEncoding) → {Promise.<any>}

Performs a web request to the server, applying appropriate authorization headers for this client.
Name Type Description
method "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" The HTTP method to use in the request
endpoint string The endpoint to call. For example: "/_matrix/identity/v2/account"
qs any The query string to send. Optional.
body any The request body to send. Optional. Will be converted to JSON unless the type is a Buffer.
timeout number The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out.
raw boolean If true, the raw response will be returned instead of the response body.
contentType string The content type to send. Only used if the `body` is a Buffer.
noEncoding string Set to true to disable encoding, and return a Buffer. Defaults to false

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Resolves to the response (body), rejected if a non-2xx status code was returned.

# getAccount() → {Promise.<IdentityServerAccount>}

Gets account information for the logged in user.

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Resolves to the account information

# getTermsOfService() → {Promise.<Policies>}

Gets the terms of service for which the identity server has.

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Resolves to the policies of the server.

# async lookup(identifiers, allowPlaintext) → {Promise.<Array.<string>>}

Looks up a series of third party identifiers (email addresses or phone numbers) to see if they have associated mappings. The returned array will be ordered the same as the input, and have falsey values in place of any failed/missing lookups (eg: no mapping).
Name Type Description
identifiers Array.<Threepid> The identifiers to look up.
allowPlaintext boolean If true, the function will accept the server's offer to use plaintext lookups when no other methods are available. The function will always prefer hashed methods.

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Resolves to the user IDs (or falsey values) in the same order as the input.

# async makeEmailInvite(emailAddress, roomId) → {Promise.<IdentityServerInvite>}

Creates a third party email invite. This will store the invite in the identity server, but not publish the invite to the room - the caller is expected to handle the remaining part. Note that this function is not required to be called when using the Client-Server API for inviting third party addresses to a room. This will make several calls into the room state to populate the invite details, therefore the inviter (the client backing this identity client) must be present in the room.
Name Type Description
emailAddress string The email address to invite.
roomId string The room ID to invite to.

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Resolves to the identity server's stored invite.

# async static acquire(oidc, serverUrl) → {Promise.<IdentityClient>}

Gets an instance of an identity client.
Name Type Description
oidc OpenIDConnectToken The OpenID Connect token to register to the identity server with.
serverUrl string The full URL where the identity server can be reached at.

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