

import * as crypto from "crypto";

import { OpenIDConnectToken } from "../models/OpenIDConnect";
import { doHttpRequest } from "../http";
import { timedIdentityClientFunctionCall } from "../metrics/decorators";
import { Policies, TranslatedPolicy } from "../models/Policies";
import { Metrics } from "../metrics/Metrics";
import { Threepid } from "../models/Threepid";
import { UnpaddedBase64 } from "../helpers/UnpaddedBase64";
import { MatrixClient } from "../MatrixClient";
import { MatrixProfile, MatrixProfileInfo } from "../models/MatrixProfile";
import { IdentityServerAccount, IdentityServerInvite } from "../models/IdentityServerModels";

 * A way to access an Identity Server using the Identity Service API from a MatrixClient.
 * @category Identity Servers
export class IdentityClient {
     * The metrics instance for this client. Note that metrics for the underlying MatrixClient will
     * not be available here.
    public readonly metrics: Metrics;

     * If truthy, this is a string that will be supplied as `?brand=$brand` where endpoints can
     * result in communications to a user.
    public brand: string;

    private constructor(public readonly accessToken: string, public readonly serverUrl: string, public readonly matrixClient: MatrixClient) {
        this.metrics = new Metrics();

     * Gets account information for the logged in user.
     * @returns {Promise<IdentityServerAccount>} Resolves to the account information
    public getAccount(): Promise<IdentityServerAccount> {
        return this.doRequest("GET", "/_matrix/identity/v2/account");

     * Gets the terms of service for which the identity server has.
     * @returns {Promise<Policies>} Resolves to the policies of the server.
    public getTermsOfService(): Promise<Policies> {
        return this.doRequest("GET", "/_matrix/identity/v2/terms");

     * Accepts a given set of URLs from Policy objects returned by the server. This implies acceptance of
     * the terms. Note that this will not update the user's account data to consider these terms accepted
     * in the future - that is an exercise left to the caller.
     * @param {string[]} termsUrls The URLs to count as accepted.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when complete.
    public acceptTerms(termsUrls: string[]): Promise<void> {
        return this.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/identity/v2/terms", null, {
            user_accepts: termsUrls,

     * Accepts all the terms of service offered by the identity server. Note that this is only meant to be
     * used by automated bots where terms acceptance is implicit - the terms of service need to be presented
     * to the user in most cases.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when complete.
    public async acceptAllTerms(): Promise<void> {
        const terms = await this.getTermsOfService();
        const urls = new Set<string>();
        for (const policy of Object.values(terms.policies)) {
            let chosenLang = policy["en"] as TranslatedPolicy;
            if (!chosenLang) {
                chosenLang = policy[Object.keys(policy).find(k => k !== "version")] as TranslatedPolicy;
            if (!chosenLang) continue; // skip - invalid
        return await this.acceptTerms(Array.from(urls));

     * Looks up a series of third party identifiers (email addresses or phone numbers) to see if they have
     * associated mappings. The returned array will be ordered the same as the input, and have falsey values
     * in place of any failed/missing lookups (eg: no mapping).
     * @param {Threepid[]} identifiers The identifiers to look up.
     * @param {boolean} allowPlaintext If true, the function will accept the server's offer to use plaintext
     * lookups when no other methods are available. The function will always prefer hashed methods.
     * @returns {Promise<string[]>} Resolves to the user IDs (or falsey values) in the same order as the input.
    public async lookup(identifiers: Threepid[], allowPlaintext = false): Promise<string[]> {
        const hashInfo = await this.doRequest("GET", "/_matrix/identity/v2/hash_details");
        if (!hashInfo?.["algorithms"]) throw new Error("Server not supported: invalid response");

        const algorithms = hashInfo?.["algorithms"];
        let algorithm = algorithms.find(a => a === "sha256");
        if (!algorithm && allowPlaintext) algorithm = algorithms.find(a => a === "none");
        if (!algorithm) throw new Error("No supported hashing algorithm found");

        const body = {
            pepper: hashInfo["lookup_pepper"],
            addresses: [],

        for (const pid of identifiers) {
            let transformed = null;
            switch (algorithm) {
                case "none":
                    transformed = `${pid.address.toLowerCase()} ${pid.kind}`;
                case "sha256":
                    transformed = UnpaddedBase64.encodeBufferUrlSafe(crypto.createHash("sha256")
                        .update(`${pid.address.toLowerCase()} ${pid.kind} ${body.pepper}`).digest());
                    throw new Error("Unsupported hashing algorithm (programming error)");

        const resp = await this.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/identity/v2/lookup", null, body);
        const mappings = resp?.["mappings"] || {};
        const mxids: string[] = [];
        for (const addr of body.addresses) {
        return mxids;

     * Creates a third party email invite. This will store the invite in the identity server, but
     * not publish the invite to the room - the caller is expected to handle the remaining part. Note
     * that this function is not required to be called when using the Client-Server API for inviting
     * third party addresses to a room. This will make several calls into the room state to populate
     * the invite details, therefore the inviter (the client backing this identity client) must be
     * present in the room.
     * @param {string} emailAddress The email address to invite.
     * @param {string} roomId The room ID to invite to.
     * @returns {Promise<IdentityServerInvite>} Resolves to the identity server's stored invite.
    public async makeEmailInvite(emailAddress: string, roomId: string): Promise<IdentityServerInvite> {
        const req = {
            address: emailAddress,
            medium: "email",
            room_id: roomId,
            sender: await this.matrixClient.getUserId(),

        const tryFetch = async (eventType: string, stateKey: string): Promise<any> => {
            try {
                return await this.matrixClient.getRoomStateEvent(roomId, eventType, stateKey);
            } catch (e) {
                return null;

        const canonicalAlias = (await tryFetch("", ""))?.["alias"];
        const roomName = (await tryFetch("", ""))?.["name"];

        req["room_alias"] = canonicalAlias;
        req["room_avatar_url"] = (await tryFetch("", ""))?.["url"];
        req["room_name"] = roomName || canonicalAlias;
        req["room_join_rules"] = (await tryFetch("", ""))?.["join_rule"];

        let profileInfo: MatrixProfileInfo;
        try {
            profileInfo = await this.matrixClient.getUserProfile(await this.matrixClient.getUserId());
        } catch (e) {
            // ignore
        const senderProfile = new MatrixProfile(await this.matrixClient.getUserId(), profileInfo);
        req["sender_avatar_url"] = senderProfile.avatarUrl;
        req["sender_display_name"] = senderProfile.displayName;

        const inviteReq = {};
        for (const entry of Object.entries(req)) {
            if (entry[1]) inviteReq[entry[0]] = entry[1];

        const qs = {};
        if (this.brand) qs['brand'] = this.brand;
        return await this.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/identity/v2/store-invite", qs, inviteReq);

     * Performs a web request to the server, applying appropriate authorization headers for
     * this client.
     * @param {"GET"|"POST"|"PUT"|"DELETE"} method The HTTP method to use in the request
     * @param {string} endpoint The endpoint to call. For example: "/_matrix/identity/v2/account"
     * @param {any} qs The query string to send. Optional.
     * @param {any} body The request body to send. Optional. Will be converted to JSON unless the type is a Buffer.
     * @param {number} timeout The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out.
     * @param {boolean} raw If true, the raw response will be returned instead of the response body.
     * @param {string} contentType The content type to send. Only used if the `body` is a Buffer.
     * @param {string} noEncoding Set to true to disable encoding, and return a Buffer. Defaults to false
     * @returns {Promise<any>} Resolves to the response (body), rejected if a non-2xx status code was returned.
    public doRequest(method, endpoint, qs = null, body = null, timeout = 60000, raw = false, contentType = "application/json", noEncoding = false): Promise<any> {
        const headers = {};
        if (this.accessToken) {
            headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${this.accessToken}`;
        return doHttpRequest(this.serverUrl, method, endpoint, qs, body, headers, timeout, raw, contentType, noEncoding);

     * Gets an instance of an identity client.
     * @param {OpenIDConnectToken} oidc The OpenID Connect token to register to the identity server with.
     * @param {string} serverUrl The full URL where the identity server can be reached at.
    public static async acquire(oidc: OpenIDConnectToken, serverUrl: string, mxClient: MatrixClient): Promise<IdentityClient> {
        const account = await doHttpRequest(serverUrl, "POST", "/_matrix/identity/v2/account/register", null, oidc);
        return new IdentityClient(account['token'], serverUrl, mxClient);