import { extractRequestError, LogService } from "..";
export interface IJoinRoomStrategy {
joinRoom(roomIdOrAlias: string, userId: string, apiCall: (targetRoomIdOrAlias: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
* A join strategy that keeps trying to join the room on a set interval.
* @category Join strategies
export class SimpleRetryJoinStrategy implements IJoinRoomStrategy {
// Note: The schedule must not have duplicate values to avoid problems in positioning.
private schedule = [
0, // Right away
1000, // 1 second
30 * 1000, // 30 seconds
5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes
15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
public joinRoom(roomIdOrAlias: string, userId: string, apiCall: (targetRoomIdOrAlias: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<string> {
let currentSchedule = this.schedule[0];
const doJoin = () => waitPromise(currentSchedule).then(() => apiCall(roomIdOrAlias));
const errorHandler = err => {
LogService.error("SimpleRetryJoinStrategy", extractRequestError(err));
const idx = this.schedule.indexOf(currentSchedule);
if (idx === this.schedule.length - 1) {
LogService.warn("SimpleRetryJoinStrategy", "Failed to join room " + roomIdOrAlias);
return Promise.reject(err);
} else {
currentSchedule = this.schedule[idx + 1];
return doJoin().catch(errorHandler);
return doJoin().catch(errorHandler);
function waitPromise(interval: number): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, interval);